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Will CBD oil work for arthritic pain? Paw Print

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Will CBD oil work for arthritic pain?

Before we tell you that let’s jump on in and answer some questions we often get asked in the clinic about CBD oil.

Firstly, CBD oil is not hemp oil. Hemp Oil is made by cold-pressing the hemp seeds into an omega-rich culinary oil. CBD oil is made by extracting the compound CBD from the leaves, flowers and stalks of a hemp plant. Taking hemp oil can be compared to taking fish oil.

Secondly, always make sure you’re giving your pet quality CBD oil. Now, there are many companies out there that sell CBD oil for pets, but only some sell quality products. They should have papers that verify that their products have been tested. It’s also always a good idea to check out online reviews to help you figure out if a company delivers on their promises! If you’re confused or finding it hard to decide, head to your vet. They are your best source of opinion and (depending on the clinic) they will be able to write you a prescription with a company, and product, they know is quality assured. 

Currently, CBD oil may be used to help treat MANY conditions. Some of these include:

  • Anxiety
  • Epilepsy
  • Chronic Pain
  • Osteoarthritis 
  • Skin conditions

It can be hard watching your pet suffer from these chronic conditions, especially if other conventional treatments have been tried and fallen short. Prior to starting on CBD oil your dog needs to be assessed by a veterinarian to ensure that this is the right course of treatment for your fur baby, as each case is individual and unique.

Alrighty, let’s deal with the elephant in the room! “Will my pet get high from CBD oil?” (We know, you’re all thinking it). 

The simple answer is if you are using prescribed medicinal grade CBD oil from an authorised source, then no, your pet will not get high. While other cannabinoids, such as THC, are intoxicating, CBD is not. Of course, cannabis itself isn’t safe for dogs. So, while you can give your dog CBD oil and treats, keep them away from cannabis plants. Any recreational users of cannabis will make their pets very very sick if they are offering these to their pets or just even allow their pets to inhale the smoke.

CBD oil is prescribed in an oily formulation which can be flavoured to your pet’s liking, for example, fish or chicken. It can then be mixed in with their food. The best CBD oil for dogs is ‘full-spectrum CBD oil’. Full-spectrum CBD oil contains trace amounts of other beneficial cannabinoids, which work to boost the effect of CBD oil.

CBD oil can be used for long periods of time, and dosages may need to be adjusted over time, depending on your pet’s case. Discussing a dosage plan will be best with your veterinarian. 

If you’re looking for a natural alternative therapy and you think your fur baby could benefit from CBD oil, give us a buzz and we can organise a consultation and put you in touch with the right supplier.

Here’s a Case Study example for you. Little “Stella”, a 15-year-old Maltese Shih Tzu had many health issues and chronic pain: Arthritis, decreased use of her back legs, and chronic ear, eye and skin conditions. Wanting to get Stella more comfort her mum Michelle started exploring CBD oil. Since starting CBD oil treatment Stella has started sleeping better and being more active during the day. Michelle has seen a true “transformation” in her little girl and believes there is no question that she is now living a happier life. 

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