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Sat: 8am - 2pm
Sun: Closed
3 Maroondah Highway, Lilydale, VIC 3140
Open 24/7
619 Whitehorse RD, Mitcham

Dr. Emily explains PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) Paw Print

Dr Emily Explains Platelet Rich Plasma 2 | Lilydale Vet | Veterinary Care | Image
Dr. Emily explains PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Dr Emily explains Platelet Rich Plasma therapy and demonstrates its use to assist sweet Maverick with his healing post-surgery.

PRP is a really great natural way to promote healing and can give improved pain relief. In Maverick’s case, he had surgery on both knees for torn ligaments. Our hope is that with the PRP injections we can give him the quickest most pain-free recovery possible.

Watch the full video to find out more about Platelet Rich Plasma

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