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LVC Dog Baths: Your questions answered! Paw Print

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LVC Dog Baths: Your questions answered!

Dog Baths: Your questions answered!

If you’re anything like me, you spend so much of your life with your dog. They’re at your feet from the moment you get home, even through the middle of the night. We love our furry family so much, and part of the way we can show them we love them is to keep them beautifully clean and groomed. Also, I don’t think anyone can recommend sharing a bedroom with wet-dog perfume. 

It’s really important to understand that bathing isn’t always in your dog’s best interest. Remember, dogs have extremely sensitive skin, far more so than our own. Bathing can strip essential oils out of the coat, and evaporation of water from the skin can be drying. Both of those can lead to poor coat quality and itchiness. 

So what’s the answer? How often should you bathe your dog?

As little as you can possibly help it – definitely no more frequently than every 6 weeks, unless under specific veterinary instruction. 

Does this include my new puppy?

Yes, absolutely it does. In fact, there are some scientific studies that show a correlation between bathing puppies frequently and the development of skin allergies.

HOWEVER! It’s super important that we socialize our little pups and get them feeling comfortable with the bathing process. After all, regular grooming is an essential part of any dog’s healthy lifestyle, but it can be a pretty spooky process. Our in-clinic puppy kinder program performs brief, weekly puppy bathing to socialize puppies to the grooming process, whilst using moisture-lock shampoos to maintain skin integrity.  

But how can I manage my dog’s odour in between bathing? 

Brushing your dog’s coat daily is a great way to remove dirt, debris as well as dead and shedding fur. The type of brush you’re going to use, and the amount of time spent brushing, is, of course, going to be dependent on the type of dog that you have. However, no matter the breed, all of them require frequent coat-care.
There are many in-between grooming mists available on the market. In the hospital, we use Rose Aroma Grooming Mist from PAW by Blackmores. Make sure that any grooming mists you use are alcohol-free.

Was this information helpful to you? If you’re got any questions about the material presented here, please feel free to comment or send me an email. Would love to hear from you!

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