Apple’s Aren’t The Worst Place To Find Worms
Ensuring your dog is properly protected against intestinal worms is essential for their health. There ar...
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Remember me? Dementia In Pets
Ever heard of dementia in pets?
Well, dementia in pets is real!
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LVC Baby Teeth
Many people don’t know, but puppies and kittens have baby teeth - just like in people! Just like with kids, they eventually come out and are ...
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LVC Dog Baths: Your questions answered!
Dog Baths: Your questions answered!
If you’re anything like me, you spend so much of your life with your dog. They’re at your fee...
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Did You Know About Henry’s Pocket?
Guess where you will find Henry’s pocket on your cat or dog.
I bet many of you have played absentmi...
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There is a mouse in the house!
It is winter. It is cold and dark, nothing is growing and Covid-19 is lurking everywhere. So we spend more time indoors, read more
Should you allow your dog to drink toilet water?
“Ewwww” is the first thing that comes to mind when we see a dog with its head in the bowl, lapping up toilet water (or cat balancing on t...
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Imagine the smell of yeast, cabbage and body odour. Something fusty and musty. Take this pungent smell a...
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